So about that film adaptation…

IT is, without even pausing to think about it, my favorite Stephen King book.  To me, it encompasses everything that is great about his writing. I could probably write an entire essay on why I think IT is the best example of King’s work you’re going to find.  But that’s not what this is going to be about. I only wanted you, gentle reader, to understand that I’m coming at this story from a place of love. And no, that doesn’t mean I’m going to spend this entire review nitpicking the film because it wasn’t like the book (spoiler alert: it’s really not).  If it helps put this in perspective at all…I actually really like the Tim Curry version and we all know that’s not like the book. So, with that out of the way, let’s talk about IT chapter 2 and why it’s a big pile of garbage trash.

There will be spoilers from this point on.  You’ve been warned.


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