I heard a rumor…that Umbrella Academy was pretty damn awesome

So, at last, I was able to get enough time to really focus on Umbrella Academy and finish it.  And, initial reaction:

It’s good.  It’s so good.  It’s like…really really good guys, I definitely recommend it.

But I do have a lot of feelings about it overall so I want to delve a little deeper.  There will be some spoilers in this but I will try to warn you before I give away anything big.


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The Little Prince


I have been looking forward to this movie for so long.  I teared up during the trailer.  I called Paramount idiots for pulling the plug so close to release.  Now I see why.  I can only imagine what the test audiences had to say about it as they left those theaters.  How it’s getting such good reviews now I have no idea.  I almost feel like everyone on the internet watched a different movie than me.  This is among the worst films I’ve ever seen, and I haven’t seen a kids film miss the point of its source material this badly since The Lorax.  I want to be painfully clear, the only reason I gave this two stars instead of one is that the parts that actually DO deal with the Little Prince’s actual story are gorgeous, touching, visually interesting, and wonderful.  If you want my advice?  Wait a couple of weeks for someone to cut those together on youtube and just watch that.

Continue reading “The Little Prince”