A Wrinkle in Time

There is such a thing as a tesseract…

So…here’s the thing.  I grew up with this book.  Grew up with it to the point that on my list of tattoos, very near the top, is the quote “Wild nights are my glory.”  It’s hard to put into words why this book spoke to me.  It might have been that Meg wasn’t as smart as her brother and parents, but that she was still SMART.  It might have been that she had braces.  Limp brown hair.  It might have been that she looked and felt exactly like me.  This is something I’ll come back to later…

I was not excited to see the film version of my beloved book.  But today I did.  And I did not love it, it is true.  But I did not hate it.  And as I sat there, I realized something very important.  This movie wasn’t made for me.  It wasn’t made for fans of the book.  It was made for kids who need this story now the way I did when I was young.  There were some definite problems, but they weren’t the ones I thought they would be, and they weren’t film ruiners by any means.

From here on in there will be spoilers.

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